Friday, May 20, 2011

"Adewine Wose": 1 week old!

***"Adewine Wose" is how my 3-year-old nephew, Owen, pronounces the baby's name. According to him, her name is Addie for now. But when she gets bigger her name will be Adeline Rose (a bigger name for a bigger girl, you know). ***

Here is our first family photo. Apparently it's a rite of passage to take an "I just went through labor. Here I am in all my glory" picture. I earned the right to look that awesome. Gerrit is glowing. Isn't he cute?

This is most of what the little lady does during the day. If only this is what nighttime looked like.

Look at that face!

The love affair begins: Addie and her Daddy.

More of her favorite thing:
Fun Facts:
Miss Adeline does not like to be swaddled. She must have her arms out and free. Oh, and she hates sleeping in the pack-and-play. She will only sleep for long stretches in her car seat or on someone's chest. High maintenance! We'll get it right eventually...

She gets the hiccups everyday--just like when she was in the womb.

When we tell her she's pretty, she grins. And she looks great in any color. What a woman.

She enjoys foot rubs as much as Gerrit does. She also has a dimple in the same spot as her dad.

Life with a Newborn:
My mom has been staying with us since we got home from the hospital. She's leaving after this weekend and I know I'm going to weep. She's been a saint. How do you take care of a baby without at least 3 adults??? Thankfully, Gerrit is starting his paternity leave. Phew...

The nights have been loooooong. She thinks it's daytime. It's exhausting. On the plus side, I've gotten to watch some fantastic infomercials and chick-flicks.

I thought my body would be my own after pregnancy. Um.....hmmm....not yet. Silly me. I am still very much a life-giving vessel. Adeline comes at me with aggression. She gets a little crazy when she's hungry.

I'm not usually a crier. It takes quite the event to get the waterworks going for me. But for the past few nights, all it takes for me to blubber is to listen to an American Idol song or hear Gerrit say he's going to bed (he's needed his rest to start work at 5am each day). Or I may just cry for no reason. Talking about crying makes me cry.

Okay, looking back at these little bullets sounds negative. But really, she's the sweetest baby. She's very loveable. I just look at her and can't believe she's ours. What a gift. She's so nice to hold and love. She's a lovely newborn and I'm looking forward to each stage her life. I can't wait to get to know her more!


jenny said...

Cassie, I know it doesn't really help, but YES, these first few (6?) weeks are hard!! Especially for your first time. Milk coming in, healing from labor, no sleep, hormones raging... a perfect equation for disaster! Seriously - those are always the weeks that I don't really want to redo (except that your baby is just too precious). But, like everyone says, life will become normal and you will get the hang of Sweet Addie. Hang in there... and I truly hope she starts sleeping more at night, b/c that helps more than anything!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your updates! I am so impressed and I guess I never knew the challenges that come along with a newborn! Side note - I ALMOST stopped by the other day when I was at Cub for something, but I was afraid to wake her/you/Gerrit in case any or all of you were sleeping. :) Oh, and that first picture of all of you at the hospital is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Super congratulations, guys! She is absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Cassie, I love reading your pregnancy and post-pregnancy entries! I've been taking lots of notes, preparing for September! It's nice to have some inside info. ;)