Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How Do You Plead?

When I say that Adeline has a naughty streak, people tend to scoff. 
One look at her sly smile will tell you that she feels no guilt for these crimes.
I would now like to present my case. 

Exhibit A:
 Attempted robbery: Trying to open the desk drawer.

Exhibit B:
Voluntary manuscript slaughter: Upon finding a loose receipt on the desk, attempts to rip it to shreds in order to eat said receipt.

Exhibit C:
Destruction of property.

Exhibit D:
Fleeing from the scene of a crime.

Exhibit E:
Looting: Picking up and consuming crumbs.

Exhibit F:
Dumpster Diving in the recycling.

Exhibit G:
Breaking and Entering

 Exhibit H:
Vandalism: Tearing of toilet paper.

I rest my case. 
Adeline, how do you plead?
Update: The Perp is being held without bail in the pack 'n' play in our room. She has gnawed through the paint on the crib rail, turning the wood into a dangerous, splintering weapon. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

His and Hers

As we prepare to have a post-birthday and dedication celebration for Adeline with our families, I needed to grocery shop today. This morning I said, "Before I go, I need to make a list."

Gerrit looked confused, "Didn't we already make a list?"
About a week ago, we jotted down the big picture list...on this envelope...this unopened junk mail. 
I laughed a little bit at the thought of carrying this to the grocery store. 
Now, Gerrit being the calm and wise man that he is, could probably breeze through the store with this list. He'd see "fruit pizza" and be able to visualize every item he needs and where to get it (that is if he were at all interested in knowing how to make a fruit pizza).

I, on the other hand, need a detailed list (sometimes with check-boxes) with items listed in the order in which they appear in the store. If I don't have this, I cannot go to the check-out with confidence that I have everything I need. I don't think I'm alone here. Can I get a witness?

They should make this a reality show....Women must go to the store with no list in hand!!! 
*Cue dramatic music and shot of a woman pivoting with fear in the middle of aisle 6*

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Would I Rather

Do I love EVERY MINUTE of being a parent? 
I'm far too selfish for that. 
Sometimes, I would rather take a bath than give a bath. 
Many times, I'd rather sleep in than wake up with Adeline's internal clock.
Once in a while, I'd rather be reading than redirecting a busy girl.
And I would always rather change my nail color than change a diaper.

 But do I love ADELINE every minute?
And I'll show her that by giving her a bath without getting one until late evening.
I'll greet her in the early morning with a smile and a kiss, because it's not her fault she's a morning person. 
I'll put down the book, or the iPad, or the phone and play attentively. 
And I will leave my nails naked so that I can fish for that piece of lint in Addie's mouth without her biting off a paint chip.

I will succeed and fail daily. But by the grace of God, she will know that she is loved. That she is a joy and a delight. And I love being HER mom.

Monday, June 4, 2012

R is for Reading

Adeline's new favorite "toys" are her books. 

 A little over a month ago, she discovered that she can flip the pages by herself. 

Now she takes every book out of its little nook and turns the pages of each one.

Here is a video (taken on Gerrit's phone) of us reading a book from Adam and Maria. "Stuff on My Cat presents: Cats A to  Z"