Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer Traditions

It just doesn't feel like summer unless one goes to the fair! 
We've tried to go to the free-admission fair with Adam and Maria every summer, starting that tradition before the kiddos were born. 
To think, we used to go listen to the bands and eat the greasy food. 
We still eat the awesome, greasy food. Now we just spend more time in the petting zoo. 

The girls got to "milk a cow."

 They pet a very patient bunny.

We practiced the "buddy system."

 This was the first year we did any rides. Well, being the pregnant woman that I am, I was the picture taker. 
Adeline LOVED the carousal. 

Her face was stuck in this expression through every turn. 
Just by riding that fake horse, it was like all her baby dreams came true.

Then she did the slide...the FUN SLIDE, to be exact. With a name like that, how could it be anything but wonderful?

 I wasn't sure when they were up at the top what she might think. I thought she might be flailing her body to get off ASAP. But again, more smiles. More dreams coming true, right there.

A great evening was had by all. Thanks, Adam and Maria, for continuing this tradition with us.

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