Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Bean Turns One...Tomorrow

This year has gone by in a blink. Here are the highlights, month by month.

Day One:
May 13. Arrived at 5:43am. 7lbs 1oz. 

 One Month
Fussy, fussy, fussy. 
Got chunky :)

 Two Months
She rolled.
Smiles and coo's. 

 Three Months
Very chatty.
Loves the TV and sitting up with help.

Four Months
Rolls in both directions.
Laughs for the first time!
Temper, temper.

Five Months
Loves music. 
Will still sing after the music stops at church.
More content.

Six Months
Loves passionately! 
Pulls hair, pinches, screams in our faces when excited.
Loves the bath!

 Seven Months
Bottom teeth came in. 
Jumps HARD in her exer-saucer.
Liking more foods.
Loves her daddy.

Eight Months
Clapping and so proud!
Saying "da-da."
Army crawling everywhere!

Nine Months
Eats tiny bits of fuzz off the floor. Naughty!
Practicing with sippy cup and solids.

Ten Months
Pulling books off the shelf! Uh-oh
Learns how to shake her head "no."
Could live in the bathtub. She loves it. 
Crawling for real now and into everything!
Pulling up on things. Time to move the crib down!

Eleven Months
Says "uh-oh" and signs "more."
Likes to dance to the "oldies."
Likes to be chased!
Still a daddy's girl.
Favorite food is blueberries.

This year has been the fastest, most challenging, and most rewarding we've had yet. Addie Rose is a delight and we are so proud to be her parents. We love you, Bean. 

1 comment:

jenny said...

ONE?!?!?! Already?? Wow... that year sure did zip on by. Happy birthday, Addie!!