Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's My Pity Party! And You're Invited!

This is how I feel today:

I have had it up to my fevered forehead with being sick. I've discovered that working at an elementary school is like working in a petri dish of disease. I do my best to wash my hands frequently and take the proper precautions. But I suppose a child sneezing directly in my face is just something I can't easily avoid.

Colds and fevers are just the pits. My body aches when I move; it aches when I don't. My throat is scratchy (which was my excuse for getting popsicles along with cold medicine today). My head feels fuzzy and dizzy. And I've given up on my nose. It's runny but also stuffy, which makes it impossible to blow. The tissue is just lodged up my nose for good. I'm the portrait of beauty.


Erika said...

Amen, Sister!!! I know EXACTLY how you feel because I, too, have been sick for 3 weeks now? Sinus infection, cold, runny nose, the works. I hope you feel better and hopefully we'll be immune to sickness by next year? ha! Hopefully!

Shannon said...

Oh dear, that sounds absolutely dreadful! The description of your ailments makes me feel like I'm sitting right next to you in it (but don't worry, I'm wearing a surgical mask so I won't catch it). ;)

I hope you feel better soon!

Carey said...

I'm so sorry, you poor miserable wretch!

Gordon Magee said...

My poor baby! Drink lots and be sure to keep your bowels moving!
Love ya