Monday, March 17, 2008


Let it be known that Gerrit is a big, strong man. He has caught the mouse. On Thursday night, the little beast (the mouse, not Gerrit) was getting rather bold...or desperate. We saw it multiple times. Gerrit's senses were becoming acutely aware of its every move as we tried to sleep. He attempted and succeeded (temporarily) in trapping it in the closet. On Friday, we had the maintenance man seal up the holes in our apartment. And by Sunday morning, the mouse was on a sticky trap. The beast of a mouse that had destroyed our peaceful, hygienic apartment living was only an inch long! Just a little guy! Gerrit successfully disposed the sticky trap and mouse. Gross. Thank you all for your prayer meetings and support regarding this matter. I know it's been on your hearts and minds as much as it has been on mine. :)
Update 3/18/08: We have caught a second mouse. I'm so disgusted.


skyblue50 said...

What a mighty warrior! Arrrggghhh. I'll be able to sleep at night now that I know that the earth has been rid of this fierce beast. Now I can live my life as the saga continues.......

Gordon Magee said...

I love this blog! What a great sense of humor and clever way of wording things!

Love ya! Dad