Wednesday, February 27, 2008

There's a mouse in our house!

I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
This mouse has been in our apartment on and off for months now. (Well, not THIS mouse. This is a "Google" mouse.) Just when we think maybe he's gone, he pokes his little head out or scurries across the floor. We've tried various techniques and traps to catch him. When I say "we've tried" I mean, Gerrit has tried. He's been the brave one. I can't bring myself to go near the spots I've seen it. This mouse is out to get me! The Orkin man has come to "patch up holes." Clearly he is patching the wrong holes because this very smart mouse knows how to get around.
We had only seen him in the living room, so I was foolishly feeling comfortable in the kitchen. This past Saturday, I was pouring myself some cereal when the mouse ran right past my feet!!! I screamed and cereal flew everywhere. I'm sure it would have been funny to see. But it's just gross! And we live on the second floor! Why isn't he bothering someone on the first floor? Any suggestions? I'm at my wits end with this rodent.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is it Me???

I don't know why, but for some reason I attract awkward people and awkward moments. I don't ask for these things to happen--they just do. I have two prime examples just from today!
My first call this morning at work was from a telemarketer. I answered the phone like I always do: "Thank you for calling...This is Cassie." And the man on the other line said, "Did you say your name is Cassie? My girlfriend's brother's girlfriend is named Cassie. She's a real neat girl. Real special. A bit wild though. Yeah....she's got a wild streak." How am I supposed to respond to this??? Obviously sales is not his gift. I didn't buy what he was selling. Pun intended.
Next, I was standing in line to order lunch and this middle-aged business man behind me says, "You do the same thing I do. You must have rubbed up against your car." (I had some dirt on my pants.) I said, "Oh thank you for telling me." I started to wipe the dirt off my leg and he proceeded to wipe my other calf! Before I could object, he had stopped. But what would make him think this is normal? I understand that people feel the need be "Mid-west nice" but back off! I can wipe my own leg!
Maybe it's the area....I was going through the drive-thru a while back when the teenage drive-thru boy told me I had beautiful eyes. Much appreciated, my eyes are stunning, but just give me the cheeseburger.
Is it me? Am I putting out a "please be awkward around me" vibe?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Tribe Has Spoken

This is sometimes an embarrassing admission, but I love the show Survivor. The season premiere is tonight at 7pm. This time it's Fans vs. Favorites (former contestants will compete against long-time Survivor fans). I don't know how I feel about this. It seems unfair, like the former players have an advantage somehow.We'll see how it goes.

Another slightly embarrassing admission is that it is one of my life goals to be on Survivor. I could totally kick butt. I wouldn't enjoy sleeping on a bamboo bed, but I would dominate in Survivor strategy. Gerrit isn't too excited about the idea though. But I think if I came back a million dollars richer, he'd change his mind.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pot Roast

I spent the day yesterday running errands and looking for a job. Since I had some extra time on my hands, I decided to make a pot roast for the first time! Now, Gerrit doesn't eat vegetables, but I'm hoping maybe the meat soaked up some of the nutrients from the vegetables. That can happen, right? I was pretty nervous about how it would turn out...I even set the table! (We never use the table.) But it was a hit! or at least edible! After seeing the apartment clean and dinner prepared, Gerrit said I should just give up my job search and be a stay-at-home wife. It's a unrealistic thought, but...hey! He liked it! I think I prefer my mom's recipe. So, I'll probably try that next time. But if you'd like to make this very simple pot roast, here's the recipe I used:

Our blog

This is the blog of Cassie and Gerrit...but mostly Cassie. We just thought we'd keep family and friends posted on our lives and our life together...should be fascinating stuff. We enjoy our life together and we hope you enjoy hearing about it!