Friday, April 30, 2010

Chocolate Cheesecake!!!!!

It was my turn to bring snacks to small group (for Renovation Church) this week. I brought Chocolate Cheesecake with blackberries on top. I made mine in muffin cups to make it easier to serve. I had never made it before, so I was a little nervous. But people loved them! I had some left over and brought them to work. Again, people loved them. Not to toot my own horn here, but I was the talk of the school. So, here is the link to the recipe. Knock yourself out!


jenny said...

Ooh goody! I always love a good recipe. Wish I could be a recipient of your dessert instead of having to make it myself! :-)

sordav said...

They were very good!!

Gordon Magee said...

you go girl !!!!! I'm so proud of you.
Love, mom

Erika said...

Yum!!!!! I can't wait to try it!

Beyond The Sidewalk Images said...

That looks like a really tasty treat, I may have to try it!

tayna said...

I love, love your blog!