Saturday, September 24, 2011

This One's For You, Mom. You Had it Coming.

My mom is turning into my her mother. What I mean by this is that she is losing her verbal filter. I told her I would punish her by posting her comments on my blog. But that's only because I told her I was going to Dr. Phil and she said she would not join me on the show.
Exhibit A: (As background information, I will tell you that I have been quite the hypochondriac lately. I call often to have my parents talk me out of my latest fatal illness.) Today, I called to tell her that I found a lump on my neck. Her comforting response was, "Well, why don't you just get cancer and die? Would that make you feel better? To just get it over with?"

Exhibit B: Adeline took a very long nap at daycare yesterday, basically sleeping the day away. (She has a cold and the kids there totally overstimulate her, so this wasn't too concerning to me. In all other ways, she was completely normal yesterday.) Anyway, my mom expressed her concern by asking, "Do you think the daycare lady is drugging her?"

Oh Mom, I love ya. I do, I do. I feel warm and fuzzy. This is just my form of a blog spanking to you. Seriously though, you're a wonderful mom. Remember the post I wrote about you? You're great. I wouldn't trade you for anything. Besides, I'm turning into you. So, I better enjoy it.


Brittany W said...

i love you both! So is the daycare lady drugging her?

Gordon Magee said...

I need a new video of the baby, I wore mine out!

Love ya