Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Re-Visit

I was looking through my blog and realized I did this survey a year ago yesterday. Let's see if anything has changed, shall we?

I am: Cassie
I think: too much when I'm trying to fall asleep. I have to pray myself to sleep.
I know: basic math better than ever, now that I work at an elementary school.
I want: my cold to go away! Having a cold in warm weather throws me off!
I wish: I hadn't dyed my hair so dark at Christmas. Actually, that was fun, but I wish it were back to normal now.
I hate: to be tickled. Unfortunately, that is one of Gerrit's favorite things to do!
I miss: going to summer camp, especially around this time of year when I used to count down the days till I got to go. I thought I would grow out of that phase, but I haven't yet. Maybe that doesn't go away.
I fear: many things. I'm a worry wart! It's what I do.
I feel: grateful that I didn't get beat up by any kids today!
I hear: the news in the background, which I'm annoyed by because I usually try to avoid watching the news.
I smell: nothing. I have a cold. For the past few days, I've pondered what life would be like with no sense of smell.
I crave: a Caramel Highrise from Caribou, but I'm trying to control myself.
I search: craigslist for multi-million dollar homes. Why not? I love fancy real estate!
I wonder: how the kids I work with will turn out.
I regret: not putting my clean clothes away right when they came out of the dryer. Now I don't want to do it at all.
I love: God, Gerrit, my family, my friends
I ache: in my nasal area.
I care: about the rumors about Jon and Kate plus 8! I hope they aren't true!
I always: push the snooze button several times before getting out of bed. I'm too deep into this habit to break it. Don't judge me.
I am not: good at accessorizing.
I believe: and I know that Jesus died for my sins, rose again, and is coming back one day.
I dance: like my Great-Grandma S. Or so it appears from the footage I've seen.
I sing: any theme song that comes up in conversation.
I cry: in my heart, because I usually don't cry tears.
I don't always: eat breakfast. Isn't that terrrible?
I fight: with Gerrit about who steals the covers. (It's him.)
I write: the alphabet when I doodle. According to my doodle diary, that means I'm very organized. My doodle diary has obviously never met me.
I win: board games because I have no compassion for my fellow players.
I lose: my keys within my purse.
I never: pass up a good conversation with a cashier.
I confuse: affect with effect. Our language....too confusing.
I listen: to the crazies outside our apartment every night!
I can usually be found: reading on the couch after work while Gerrit watches ESPN.
I am scared: of....well, lots of things. As I said: I'm a worrier. It's something I need to work on!
I need: to go to bed.
I am happy about: my life in general. I've been very blessed by God with an amazing husband, a wonderful family, great friends and most importantly, a relationship with Him.
I hope: to blog more later. Love you all!


Gordon Magee said...

I love ya girlie! You made me laugh out loud and touched my heart! Mom

Erika said...

Cassie!! I loved your list...I always push the snooze button as well! Hope you are doing well!! Do you get the summer off?