Sunday, August 22, 2010

Duluth with Adam and Maria!

Each summer since the G-man and I have been married, we've tried to take a trip with Adam and Maria. They're pretty great and we like them. This year we decided on Duluth. What fun!

Our first stop was to the Canal area and lighthouse. When you're there, you can watch the cargo boats go by and take pictures. Good times were had by all.

Here we are heading to the lighthouse. Adam isn't having a seizure. He's just really excited to be on vacation.

I think my favorite thing we did was tour the Glensheen mansion. It was built in the early 1900s by a wealthy guy. I'm a bit nerdy and I really enjoy guided tours, especially of mansions.

Gerrit and I outside the mansion in the rain.

A little quality Maria time. I think we were waiting for the boys to stop skipping rocks.

The men being men.
The women being women.

We took another guided tour of the William A. Irvin cargo boat (ship?). I wasn't totally fascinated by this; however, we had a hilarious guide. Our tour guide, Tom, used to work on a similar vessel. He had a very dry humor which we thoroughly enjoyed.

We couldn't visit Duluth without making a trip to Gooseberry Falls. It's beautiful anytime of year. Ignore my shiny, sweaty face.
Naturally, the boys found a cave. It never fails.
Adam enjoying the great outdoors.
Gerrit was a real stinker at the Falls. He insisted on taking detours from the path and going on "adventures." I kept reminding him to be careful. It was obvious that my "mothering" was irritating him (especially after he told me it was). But I just kept saying, "I won't apologize for loving you!"

To prove that I hadn't totally lost my sense of fun, I ventured out onto some rocks to get closer to the falls. I got stuck and panicked (which was pretty unnecessary, since the water was about 6 inches deep and very calm). I kept thinking about how miserable it would be to be wet for the rest of our time there. All I could say was, "I made a mistake! I made a mistake!" Gerrit came out to rescue me. And we made it and dry.
Oh, except that after this picture was taken, Gerrit slipped and fell on the rock. And that's why I remind him to be careful!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Catching Up to Do...

Hello Hello! I'm just going to stretch my memory to tell you about my early summer experiences. I know you're all dying to hear!

Near the start of summer, I had the pleasure of seeing my freshman/sophomore college roommate dance in a recital. Tara was a shining star! No, seriously, the costumes were super shiny! The Book Club girls (Katie, Molly, and I) got to see her after the show (and after she changed out of her costume. So fun!
Me, Tara, Katie, Molly
A bit later this summer, I got to give Gerrit a buzz cut. This was my first time doing that and I was really nervous. It turned out just fine! But before the finished product, I couldn't resist giving him a little 1990's "New Kids On The Block" 'do. This hair made me want to sing, "Oh oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. THE RIGHT STUFF!"
Another first for Gerrit was going to Paul Bunyan's Restaurant with my family. We went in the Dells with friends, but this was a first with my family. What a treat!

Aubrey and Sophie waiting for their food.

Here's Jozie celebrating Carey's birthday. Gerrit thinks she's turning into my mini-me. I'll let you decide.

Jozie and Me: Both Age 4

In July, Gerrit had the honor of being Best Man in his friend/college roommate/former bandmate/video-game challenger/brother he never had......Dave's wedding. The weekend wedding extravaganza was in Illinios. Good times were had by all!

Since Gerrit drove down with the boys, I drove down with the men folks other halves. Emily was the wedding photographer/wife of a groomsman. Katie was the hair lady/girlfriend of a groomsman. Naturally, I was a little nervous about driving to Illinois with girls I didn't know. But I was over that in about 2.3 seconds. We bonded. I think Emily and I are pretty much the same person. It was a little creepy.

Really, the cherry on top of a great start to summer, was that I got to see a monkey ride a dog. Yes, you read that correctly. A monkey rode atop a dog! If you don't believe me, see for yourself. My life is forever changed.

That's all for now! More to come!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Still Here!

I've had some trouble logging on to my blog recently, but I'm here! Hopefully I'll be updating soon! Sorry for such a long absence. I know you've been anxiously awaiting my next post. You can exhale now. :)