Saturday, August 30, 2014

And Adeline, too!

 So, we have this other kid that's growing like a weed, too!
Here's what she's been up to. 

 Adeline got her first hair cut back in January. Her hair had finally reached the point where it wouldn't look like a mullet if we cut it. We took her to this adorable kid's salon and she was in the height of her glory. They distracted her with toys and movies and glitter! The girl enjoys the finer things in life. Can I get my hair done there, too?

She looked so mature to us afterward. She's a new woman. 

Adeline is a wee bit obsessed with sleeping on the floor, with or without permission. Sometimes, when we check on her before we go to bed, we'll find her toddler bed empty. We look down and see that she has built a little nest for herself to sleep on. Crazy kid. 

We had a few adventures through the winter and spring. She and I made this incredible snowman. Don't see it? It's on the right. The snow was too hard to pack. would have though we built Olaf himself. She was perfectly satisfied with our little snow friend. 

Gerrit and I took her on a special day out to the zoo for her birthday. Her favorite part was not the exotic African creatures, but the fish they feed to the polar bears. Go figure. She knows what she likes. 

We had so many birthday celebrations, due to our long-distance families having different availability, that she started to think everyday was her special day! And to her, it really is. 

She's a lesson in contradictions. One moment she is pushing us out of the doorway of the bathroom yelling, "No! Wait your turn!" 
The next she is rubbing our hair, saying, "You're so precious to me. I love you all the time." 

This is Addie's world. The rest of us just live here. 

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