I am about 11 weeks along now (due December 10) and already starting to show. My jeans don't button now, but I'm not big enough for maternity pants. It's interesting to see how the body remembers pregnancy so soon. I'm in that awkward phase where people glance down at my stomach and I can see the wheels turning as they determine whether or not to say something. That's always fun.
We found out several weeks ago, only a week after I had accepted a new job. That made me panic a bit and I was totally overwhelmed. I was on emotional overload. But my new employers and co-workers have been wonderful and supportive. It was such a relief when I shared the news with them. I was scared out of my mind. And apparently, I was worrying for nothing!
I am feeling sick frequently throughout the day, but I usually feel better after eating something. Although, it's really only junk food that sounds good. Vegetables are just appalling, unless they come in french fry form. I'm off to a healthy start.
Oh, the reason the title of this post is "Burger Thursday" is when we asked Adeline what we should name the baby, her answer was Burger Thursday. It seems like a natural choice, right? Definitely on the list.
Adeline will say "hello" to the baby when prompted. She knows to aim for my tummy. But she also thinks there might be a baby in her tummy and in Gerrit's. Sometimes I wish it were in Gerrit's!
At 8 weeks, I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat at my appointment. It was so early on, I didn't have that expectation. But it was a wonderful surprise! Hearing that little rhythm was a great reminder of why I am willing to go through the sickness and uncomfortable changing of my body.
Gerrit and I are excited and nervous, in similar and different ways than the first time. God is good and we're trusting Him to guide us through this pregnancy and child's life!
That's so exciting! Congratulations Cassie and Gerrit! I'm virtually reliving the WHEEEEEEE screams outside of the Wilson's when you told us you were pregnant with Addie. That's happening again in my mind. ;) Wheeeee!
Yay! That's so exciting! I've heard that the 2nd pregnancy is the one that the mom isn't nervous about, and she's more ready to enjoy the waiting. Maybe that's optimistic, but I hope it's like that for you. Congratulations to you two!
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