Saturday, August 11, 2012


Last week, my dear friend Jess married her main squeeze, James. As her friends, we've all schemed and dreamed of this day for as long as we've known her. I couldn't be happier for her that she met this wonderful Liberian man with the "big arms" and snatched him up for life. 

Five of my beautiful, bosom buddies were there. That was a rare treat for my soul. We are so seldom together nowadays. Mandy came sans-husband and child from Wisconsin; and Amy bushwhacked her way through the Boundary Waters to be there. She even shaved! I'm so proud.

Our other lady-love is Brittany, who as you may know, is in Ukraine working for Jesus. She was with us in spirit in every happy tear and hug. How we miss her so.

Gerrit was my very handsome and understanding date for the evening. 

I was gabbing and giggling with these two all night. Amy and Mandy were my college roomies and I couldn't love them more. 

Congrats to J and J. Happy Marriage to you both. 
Seven, I love you much. My heart was full that night.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aw, great coverage of such a joyous event! We must do this again some time! :)