Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

Instead of trying to catch up on the last few weeks of our lives, I thought I'd just say it in (mostly) pictures. :)

We went to Texas, ya'll! The Plantage crew surprised Darcy for her birthday.
Addie was an awesome traveler.

I got frisked by a female security guard in front of a restaurant full of soon-to-be airplane passengers. That was a highlight.

Solids have been a good time. She's not really a fan yet.

We went to Albert Lea for Thanksgiving and also celebrated Christmas with Gerrit's family. Yay!

Just a little sass from today. Love you all!


Brittany W said...


Gordon Magee said...

I love it! I want to kiss those cheeks, Adie's not Gerrit's!
Love ya

Erika said...

Cassie, you and your little family are adorable! LOVE the pics...looks like you had a great trip! Love the sass for the day :)