Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tricks and Treatin'

For Adeline's first Halloween, we asked to tag along with my sister and her family. We thought it might be awkward to trick-or-treat with just an infant, since people might catch on that the candy is for the parents.
Carey and Greg have such a friendly neighborhood! I didn't feel I should rush to the front of the candy line, but people made a point to fill our bucket. A couple women even called their husbands to the door, "Honey, you have to see this baby!" And then they'd ask, "What is she supposed to be?" By the end of the night, we decided she was a baby phoenix.
Owen and Sophie had a great time running from door to door. Being the "Martha Stewart," super-mom that she is, Carey made their costumes. Owen was a robot; and Sophie was a unicorn. Adorable.
Adeline did surprisingly well. She only fussed a couple times. She was pretty content just being carted around all night.

By the time we hit the last block, Adeline had had about enough. We high-tailed it back to Carey and Greg's house to feed her while they finished at the last houses. Addie was pooped.

But she did wake up just in time to check out her loot. She especially liked the pretzels for their crinkly bag. :)After tough negotiations and trading of candy was done, we headed home. What fun!

1 comment:

Gordon Magee said...

such fun you had on Halloween, great pictures! Wish I could have been there.
Love ya