Monday, October 24, 2011

A Happy Little Story

Last week, I became a small group leader at one of Renovation Church's House Groups. The topic of discussion was money as an idol. At the end of the night, one of the ladies wanted a challenge for the week. So, I challenged the group to pay for the person behind them at the drive-thru, should the opportunity present itself. It's just a small way to be more selfless with one's money and a way to bless someone's day.

Today, I decided to go through the Caribou Coffee drive-thru. I was just hoping someone would drive up behind me so I could pay for them. No one did. I was disappointed as I pulled up to get my drink. But then the cashier handed me my Caramel Highrise and said, "The woman in front of you already paid for you." I yelled with glee, "WHAT?! I was going to do the same thing! And now there's no one behind me!" She smiled and told me to have a great day anyway. And so, I did.

Thank you, Anonymous Lady, for the coffee. And thank you, Lord, for your happy little blessings.


jenny said...

ver cool... :)

LoriLynn said...

That is too awesome! Such a great idea!

Cassie said...

I can't take credit for the idea. KTIS does it and calls it "The Drive-thru Difference." But I thought it would be fun for all of us to do. I still haven't actually gotten to do it. But I'm glad someone else did that morning! :)