Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Cranky Ballerina...and Some Other Things

Last night was my sister and brother-in-law's annual Halloween party. Thanks again, Carey and Greg! Adeline has that adorable duck/turkey costume. But since it tends to be rather warm with a house full of people, we dressed her as a ballerina for the night. She was less than thrilled....I think her mean face looks like my Grandpa Harry.
The tutu was on for approximately 10 minutes before it was removed. Adeline kept trying to eat the tulle.

I wore all black and an enlarged postage stamp. I was "blackmail."

Gerrit and Adeline were winding down after the party. They are thick as thieves, always looking like they are plotting something against me.

We've been giving Adeline more rice cereal. On this particular evening, she wasn't in the mood to have anything other than a bottle. Hence, the mess of cereal on her face and not in her belly.

And lastly, Adeline in Gerrit's hat. Because everyone loves a gangster baby.She's been a little cranky-pants this week. We think she's teething, because she gets in a crazy mood where she doesn't want to eat, play, or sleep. She just wants to whine and chew. Lord, help us. She's a handful.

In other news, for those who are wondering, the postpartum depression/anxiety/whatever is going on has been getting better. I don't cry nearly as often; as in, hardly at all. I've really started enjoying the time with Adeline. I look forward to spending time with her. That wasn't always the case before (though I loved her anyway). Mentally, I feel more normal. Physically, I still feel weird almost everyday. Lord willing, my body will follow the trend of my mind and feel normal soon. Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement. I need it and appreciate it so much. Love you all.

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Happy Little Story

Last week, I became a small group leader at one of Renovation Church's House Groups. The topic of discussion was money as an idol. At the end of the night, one of the ladies wanted a challenge for the week. So, I challenged the group to pay for the person behind them at the drive-thru, should the opportunity present itself. It's just a small way to be more selfless with one's money and a way to bless someone's day.

Today, I decided to go through the Caribou Coffee drive-thru. I was just hoping someone would drive up behind me so I could pay for them. No one did. I was disappointed as I pulled up to get my drink. But then the cashier handed me my Caramel Highrise and said, "The woman in front of you already paid for you." I yelled with glee, "WHAT?! I was going to do the same thing! And now there's no one behind me!" She smiled and told me to have a great day anyway. And so, I did.

Thank you, Anonymous Lady, for the coffee. And thank you, Lord, for your happy little blessings.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Cutest Baby I Ever Birthed!

Thanks to Adeline's Aunt Courtney, we have this adorable Halloween costume. Oh. My. Word. Could this child be any cuter? I can't stand it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Reminder for the Ladies

I sat down at a computer at work the other morning to check my email before the school bell rang. I found an email sent from "Gordon," my dad. My jaw dropped as I opened it and read:

Be sure to do breast exam and get a ribbon shaped bagel at Panera for me!

Reading a little further down, I realized this was a message from my mother. But you can imagine my discomfort at my short-lived misunderstanding. Awkward.....

Anyway, as you probably know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I didn't think too much of this until my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer just a few years ago. They found a small lump during a routine mammogram. Praise the Lord, the lump was found early and removed quickly. Surgery and treatment went well for her. And because of early intervention and God being so good, the cancer is gone. But ever since that time, we've become an "aware" family. So, here I am, spreading the awareness! If you're of age, go get that mammogram! It's worth the discomfort. My sister blogged about her experience--click here. If you're not of mammogram age, go give the "ladies" a feel during your next shower. :) Or for the married ladies out there, have your husband do it! October will be his new favorite month! To be on the safe side, a self-exam should be done once a month. So, get to it! Give the "girls" a squeeze.