One of my bosom buddies, Jess, took these amazing pictures of Adeline. There are more on her
website. The precious headband was made by another of my dear friends, Rachel. You can oooh and aaaah over them while I tell you about our daughter.
I call her a "newborn on steroids" because she's the strongest little bugger I've ever met. She was lifting her head on Day 1. She kicks and squirms in your arms until she's found her perfect spot (a bit like a dog looking for her spot on a pillow). She can actually launch herself up on your chest with her feet. And to top it off, she beat Gerrit in arm wrestling! :) There's no stopping her!
Adeline's already got a little temper. (Who did she get that from?) She's like a mad woman if the food isn't coming fast enough. Then she gets her arms in her own way and gets even more upset. But with her strong little biceps, I have to pry them away to help her. She's also an emotional eater. When life gets hard (like after a rough diaper changing session), she goes a-looking for the food.
Obviously, she can't talk yet. But she clearly understands the words "nap" and "eat," because whenever I'm about to do either of those things, she's suddenly bright eyed and bushy tailed needing to be fed.
IT NEVER FAILS--even if I've just fed her and put her to sleep! Doesn't matter....she knows....and she's out to get me.
She grunts like a caveman. When she's trying to wake up or getting near the end of eating, it sounds like she's using Morse code to communicate.
Addie gets some very serious expressions on her face. She looks at us like we're crazy. It's like she's saying, "Really, God? These are the people you chose to raise me?" But little does she know that she laughs in her sleep. She can't hide. We see her true colors and we love every one of 'em.
Cassie...I want to love her up. Great job you two. I love her already. Jess...great job on the pictures!
I love the pictures! And she finally looks like someone to me. That last one has Gerrit written all over her face.
Love seeing the pictures but makes me miss her terribly. I thought the same thing as Carey did when I saw the last picture. Looks like daddy plantage!
Love ya
She is SOOOOO cute!! Love the pics!!! I think she looks like you...but I can see Gerrit in her too :)
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