Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm quickly learning that I don't have it! After failing my glucose tests, I learned last week that I have gestational diabetes (meaning, it should go away when the baby comes). It's a common problem for pregnant women to have, but a bummer nonetheless. I have reluctantly started a carb-counting diet. Basically, I have to cut all the fun out of eating. Cravings for naughty foods have never been so strong. And I know they aren't pregnancy cravings. They are just "I've-been-told-no-and-now-I-want-what-I-can't-have" cravings. I normally don't think about food much; now, thoughts of food consume my brain!!!! I can smell fast food at stop lights. There are entire aisles at the grocery store that need to be avoided now.

Of course, the benefits of following the diet are a healthier baby and a healthier me. If I don't keep my blood sugar at a healthy level she could be born with wacky blood sugar, too. AND she could be born large. No thanks. I would like a normal-sized baby, please and thank you. So, pray that I can stay disciplined on this carb-counting, no fun or frills diet! We want the Bean born healthy. :)

I am now 30 weeks pregnant. CRAZY! Gerrit and I are taking on cleaning projects to make room for Bean. Hopefully, she can be welcomed into an organized home. That's the news in our house. Here's my 30-weeks picture:

Happy Monday!


jenny said...

Oh man. :-( So sorry. I hope that you will have self-control... you do have a good incentive in the end. I ate horribly with Summer and now I'm reaping the consequences. Trying NOT to eat all that same junk food and lose the weight!!

Erika said...

Cassie, you are SUCH a cute preggo lady! My look so great :) Sad that you have gestational diabetes :( I would not be able to have the discipline to not eat certain foods....anywho! only 10'ish more weeks! I can't believe you're so close!!

Sarah Helfinstine said...

Oh no! I would not have been able to survive with gestational diabetes with working in retail. Even without that, I wanted the food I couldn't have (SUSHI!!)...I think that's how our minds work...crave whatever we can't have! Good luck with everything, especially getting organized! We never made it quite that far since Abby made her appearance early!