A Photo of One of Your Favorite Family Members
Well, I think the theme for today is unrealistic for me. I love all of my family members dearly. They are all my favorite. But since I have to choose and I've already had pictures up of my immediate family, here is my choice:
My favorite memories of him were on "Pocket Days." Usually, Pocket Day took place on his birthday when most of his kids and grandkids were around. We'd all be playing outside and suddenly he would call out, "It's Pocket Day!" All the kids would rush inside and put on an outfit that had as many pockets as possible (overalls were best). Then we'd run back outside and form a line in front of Grandpa. He'd take out a big wad of cash and put a dollar in every pocket we wore. The night before his funeral, at his viewing, I put a dollar in his coat pocket. As good as our Pocket Days were with him, I know he's having even better eternal days now with his Savior.
Oh boy, pregnancy emotion alert! Look out!
Okay, yikes. Enough. On to other topics....I had good intentions of Christmas shopping today. However, I went to the doctor yesterday with chest and back pain. I had to have an EKG and get some x-rays taken (while wearing a protective shield for the Bean!). There was nothing conclusive found yesterday, but today a nurse called to say that the x-rays showed that I probably have pneumonia. So, I am now on a pill for that and I'm taking it easy at home. The bad news is the pneumonia. The good news is, I get to watch all the girly flicks I want (while Gerrit is still at work), read People magazine, and do nothing else....guilt free! The Bean must like the down-time because it feels like he/she is practicing either ballet or boxing in there.
Oh! And Lord willing, we'll be able to find out if the Bean is a boy or a girl just in time for Christmas. I'll let you know after the holidays!
Oh! And Lord willing, we'll be able to find out if the Bean is a boy or a girl just in time for Christmas. I'll let you know after the holidays!
1 comment:
Oh no, Cassie!! Pneumonia?? :( Sad day! I will pray that you feel better FAST so you can still enjoy Christmas!!! AND, I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!! Yay!!
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