Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm Hungry All the Time!

Look out, World! I might eat you. It doesn't matter what I eat or what I do, I'm just hungry. At all hours. At any place. But NOTHING seems good enough to eat. Some foods seem tolerable...others seem disgusting. Nothing seems delicious. How very sad.....I hope I will one day (soon) enjoy food again.

On the other hand, even though I'm not eating more yet, I can feel that my body is starting the growing process. Confession: I'm a sucker-inner. Meaning, in my everyday life, I suck my stomach in most of the day. These days, it's getting much harder to do that. I've kind of given up on it. I suppose it's time to let go....exhale...give in to the gut. Yes, it looks like a gut...not a pregnant belly. But I don't think I'm doing myself or The Bean any good by sucking in my stomach anymore. Embrace the gut. Embrace the gut.


jenny said...

The gut is the hardest stage - cuz you just look fat. But, if you tell everyone you're pregnant, then everyone will think it's cute. Everyone that knows you, that is. :-) Food WILL taste good again... just not for awhile, maybe...

Sarah Helfinstine said...

Pretty sure I still suck in at least a little...and I'm 24 weeks! I don't think it really does anything anymore, but after doing it for how many years, it's a hard habit to break!!

Erika said...

Embrace the gut! I like your motto for your pregnancy :) I need to make it mine because it has been the hardest thing! I definitely tried to "squeeze" by someone yesterday only to remember that I have a huge belly and can't do that anymore :) HA :)