Saturday, December 18, 2010

Challenge: Day 14 and a Bit of Pneumonia

A Photo of One of Your Favorite Family Members
Well, I think the theme for today is unrealistic for me. I love all of my family members dearly. They are all my favorite. But since I have to choose and I've already had pictures up of my immediate family, here is my choice:
This is my Grandpa. :) The two of us are sitting on his bike.Whenever he'd visit, he'd take me out on it. He was a character. When we grandkids were little, he'd ask for a bite of our candy bar and he'd eat half of it. I used to stick my tongue out at him and he'd threaten to pull it out if he ever caught it. One day he did catch it. He started to pull very slowly....I think just to see the panic grow in my eyes.

My favorite memories of him were on "Pocket Days." Usually, Pocket Day took place on his birthday when most of his kids and grandkids were around. We'd all be playing outside and suddenly he would call out, "It's Pocket Day!" All the kids would rush inside and put on an outfit that had as many pockets as possible (overalls were best). Then we'd run back outside and form a line in front of Grandpa. He'd take out a big wad of cash and put a dollar in every pocket we wore. The night before his funeral, at his viewing, I put a dollar in his coat pocket. As good as our Pocket Days were with him, I know he's having even better eternal days now with his Savior.

Oh boy, pregnancy emotion alert! Look out!

Okay, yikes. Enough. On to other topics....I had good intentions of Christmas shopping today. However, I went to the doctor yesterday with chest and back pain. I had to have an EKG and get some x-rays taken (while wearing a protective shield for the Bean!). There was nothing conclusive found yesterday, but today a nurse called to say that the x-rays showed that I probably have pneumonia. So, I am now on a pill for that and I'm taking it easy at home. The bad news is the pneumonia. The good news is, I get to watch all the girly flicks I want (while Gerrit is still at work), read People magazine, and do nothing else....guilt free! The Bean must like the down-time because it feels like he/she is practicing either ballet or boxing in there.

Oh! And Lord willing, we'll be able to find out if the Bean is a boy or a girl just in time for Christmas. I'll let you know after the holidays!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Mind of a Kindergartener..... an interesting place. Here's a conversation I had with one little girl after she found out I am pregnant.

(First she said "hello" directly to my belly.)

Girl: Are you gonna go to the hospital so they can take your baby out?

Me: Um....someday.

Girl: How many minutes?

Me: A lot of minutes. The baby won't come for a long time.

Girl (suddenly sounding nervous): I....I don't want to have a baby. I don't want babies.

Me: That's okay. No one will make you have a baby.

Girl: Yeah, my mom doesn't want me to have a baby. She's allergic.

Oh my....what must go on in that mind?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Challenge: Day 13

A Photo of Your Best Friends
(Though I feel blessed by many people in my life and consider Gerrit and my family members as best friends, here are the non-relatives that I cherish as bosom buddies!)
(Brittany, Amy, me, Rachel, Jess, Mandy)

These are my best gal pals in my summer dorm in 2006. Oh my! Time flies and what an awkward picture of us all! But that's probably appropriate. Golly, there are so many stories and things I could say about them. I'll just say that I love them all so much as individuals and as a whole. Sadly, we are scattered about now. :( Brittany is in Ukraine, Amy is in the Boundary Waters, Mandy is in New Jersey. It makes my heart sad. Thankfully, Jess and Rachel are still around. Though, I don't see them much. So, I think we should all just move into the same apartment building like in college. Husbands, dogs, and the Bean can come too. Any takers? Girls? You know you want to.

Well, I couldn't talk about best friends without including Adam and Maria. This is another awkward photo, but again, probably appropriate. We had just completed the "5K Rump Roast Run" at a little celebration called "Beef-a-Rama." Good times. We see Adam and Maria nearly every weekend, take a trip with them every summer; and they have become like family to us. Gerrit has known them both since Junior High. I met them later in college when Gerrit and I started dating. Maria was the only girl in the group and we were forced to become friends. :) It worked out quite nicely! We just love them.

Ah, friends. I hold them near and dear to my heart. I hope they all know how special they are and how I love them so.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Day and Challenge: Day 12

Oh goodness. The day I had. Have you ever had one of those days where little, but stupid, things just keep happening to you? That was my day today.

Incident #1: I brought a packet of hot chocolate to make at school. I had my little metal travel mug with me. It's the small things in life that put a smile on your face, and this was going to be mine. Our teachers' lounge has a filtered water system with one tap for ice cold water and the other for piping hot water. I was being a chatty Cathy with a co-worker who was commenting that I am beginning to show (finally!). Anywoo, I was trying and trying to get my cocoa to mix with the water, but with no luck. I had used the ice cold water. There was no hope of reviving my very cold, "hot" chocolate. Heart-breaking....

Incident #2: For privacy sake, I can only say this: At one point today, I had someone else's diarrhea on my hand. Before you tell me that this will prepare me for poopy diapers, just don't! This was not a diaper situation. This was not MY baby. No. Just no.

Incident #3: An older male co-worker stopped in the hall to chat with me. Knowing that I am pregnant, he asked me how I am feeling. I said I've been feeling good lately. He went on to ask, "So, how much weight have you gained? 10? 20 pounds?"

*{I will now pause here for your reaction.}*

10? 20 pounds? Are those my only 2 options? Do I LOOK like I've gained 10 or 20 pounds?????? Why? Why would you ever ask ANY woman that question????????

Instead of sharing the many unrighteous words that were reeling in my head, I simply said, "NO! I have not gained 20 pounds. I have a doctors appointment coming up. They'll check then. You'll be the first to know." He walked away saying, "Oh dear, I'm so embarrassed. I shouldn't have asked." To which I thought, "You should be. And you shouldn't have."

In brighter (lighter!) news, I think I've started to feel the Bean moving around in there. It's hard to know for sure, but it's exciting nonetheless. It just makes it all the more real. With that, here is my Photo Challenge picture.

A Photo of You
This is me around the 14 or 15 week mark. I'm 17 weeks now and a bit bigger. I hide the 10-20 extra pounds in my feet, I guess. Wowza.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Challenge: Day 11

A Photo of Your Favorite Film
Oh goodness, I just love Sleepless in Seattle. For those who "knew me when," you'll know that I always say my favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber. It's a great movie and will be a never-ending source of jokes between my brother-in-law and me. But Sleepless (as we call it in our family...we're on a one-word basis with this movie), holds a special place in the movie section of my heart. I LOVE movies. I'm sure it stems from my parents love of them. We were always watching something at home or going to the movie theater. There isn't much else to do in a small town! I'm glad that I married into a family that loves movies, as well. If you know Gerrit, you know he loves his movies.

Anyway, back to Sleepless...I could probably quote it all the way through. This movie is one that my family has watched over and over again. I watch it when I can't fall asleep, which is kind of ironic given the title and theme. You can't deny the chemistry that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have together. They are both just precious. The soundtrack is right up my alley. And who doesn't love a love story? *{warm fuzzies}* I could go on and on.....I'm stopping now for your benefit.

Another favorite of mine is While You Were Sleeping.
My family quotes this movie when we're together. When someone says something completely "out of left field" (which is often), someone else always says, "John Wayne was tall" or "These mashed potatoes are so creamy." If you don't get the reference, you need to go rent this movie. No, just buy it. You'll love it.

I know that someday, Gerrit will love these films the way I do. My kids will too, because I'm making them watch these starting the day they come home from the hospital.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Challenge: Day 10

A Photo of You as a Baby
This is little me at Christmas-time. I don't think it looks like me at all. But what I like about this picture is that I stole the hat off the bear and put it atop my own head. I look pretty pleased with myself. :)

For some reason, Gerrit really likes this one. So, I'll put it up for him.
Again, in the pattern of stealing, I am snatching a cracker from the jar. I guess I used to do this a lot. I'd get myself up there and take one. So crafty.....Supposedly, Gerrit was a mischievous little one, too. What does this say for our future child? Uh-oh....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Challenge: Day 9

A Photo of Your Family
(Dad, Mom, me, Gerrit, Courtney, Aubrey, Paul and Jozie)
Hard to believe, but this picture was taken over 3 years ago on Gerrit's and my wedding day. What a day, what a day. I think this is actually the most recent picture we have with most of us in it. And my sister, Carey, and her family are missing! Why? Well, let me tell you....Carey gave birth to her second child the night before the wedding.....2 months early! She and Courtney were supposed to be co-matrons of honor. We figured since she would only be 7 months pregnant at the time, that this wouldn't be a problem. If she got uncomfortable, she could sit down in the middle of the ceremony. But God decided Owen needed to come sooner. And that he did! Carey and Greg missed the wedding, but they had a big day of their own! Most importantly, she and Owen were healthy and he was a little trooper who has grown into a pretty awesome kiddo. Below is a picture of their family: Greg, Sophie, Carey and Owen.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, we plan to take one big family picture while wearing ugly sweaters. :) I can't wait. I love when we're all together and I wish that could happen more often. I just love my family. They are pretty fantastic as a whole and as individuals. I feel very blessed that God chose to put me in this family.

And finally, here is a picture of the other side of the family. The in-laws! On either side of me and Gerrit are Ed, Gwen, Darcy (older sister), and Ahna (younger sister). The one person missing is Ahna's fiance, Rico. They're getting married this winter! Lord willing, I'll be posting pictures of their big day in the months to come.
I think when you start dating someone, it's really a test run with the family as well. I was relieved when I met Gerrit's family because they are wonderful people. They have welcomed me right in and treat me as one of their own. I appreciate and love them.

Aw, family. I get warm-fuzzies thinking about all of them. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Challenge: Day 8

A Photo of Your Favorite Band/Musician
*{sigh}* Frank Sinatra. Ol' Blue Eyes. The man. The legend. I don't think any musician will ever or can ever fill the position of my favorite musician the way that Frank does. There was a time that I swooned over 'NSYNC :), but their place in musical history has passed. Frank's music is timeless. You cannot be in a bad mood when Frank sings....well, unless one of his more solemn songs is playing. But that's just it! His voice just messes with the listener's emotions! He makes you feel the way he WANTS you to feel. Powerful stuff. My dad often sings Frank Sinatra songs, which is probably how I grew to love F.S. so much. When recorded, my dad's voice has been mistaken for Sinatra's voice. And since I like my dad so much, it was just a natural progression to like Frank, too. My entire family loves Sinatra. We can't help ourselves. It's in the blood.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Challenge: Day 7

A Photo of Someone You Love
I love Gerrit and this is a picture of him. :) This picture was taken on an RA staff retreat. Our staff was actually on our way to my house to stay for the weekend. Gerrit and I met as RAs. That was my second and his third year as an RA. He had been liking me on and off through out the beginning of that year. I had no interest in him at that point and just wanted to swear off men in general. On this trip, Gerrit's like for me was rekindled somehow. I don't know why....I'm pretty sure I wasn't sending out any vibes. It may have just been another month until I started liking him.

Here's the short version of how I began to like him: I was frustrated with my "love life" or lack thereof. I started praying on my way to class one day. I said, "Lord! I'm sick of men! I've over trying to find the right one. Here's my extensive list of qualities I want in my future husband. Do what you will!" And I listed all the things I wanted in my husband, down to the nitty gritty nonsense qualities. All of a sudden, I was struck with the thought: I'm describing my friend, Gerrit. Oh crap....I'm describing Gerrit." You see, I just wasn't ready for this! I didn't think God would reveal that specific man so very quickly and I CERTAINLY did not think it could be the guy that I looked at as a sometimes obnoxious older brother (we had a friendship full of teasing and sarcasm). But alas, God softened my heart and showed me the amazing man that Gerrit was/is. It's like God and Gerrit plotted it out. They won me over.

There are many people that I love. I cherish each one in a special place in my heart. I love my family so much. I love my friends dearly. My life is full of people that I love. I'm a lucky lady. But there is no one that I love as I do my husband. Of course, I strive to love God above all others. But I also believe that He made me to love this man. Yes, He put me on this earth, in part, to love Gerrit. I was made and designed by God to be Gerrit's wife. And I am just so glad that He did.

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee.

Anne Bradstreet

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Challenge: Day 6

A Photo That Makes You Laugh
For obvious reasons, this picture makes me laugh. If you don't recognize the beauties in the picture, they are my mom, sister Carey, me, and sister Courtney. I imagine that Carey must have been on a break from college and had come home to visit. What a perfect time to do facial masks! I'm sure my dad thought this had to be documented and was all the more eager to do so since he wouldn't be haunted by this picture in years to come. I'm guessing that Courtney was the most reluctant to pose for this one, being the cool teen that she was. I just thought it was cool, but I had a feeling I'd be embarrassed later. By the looks of it, I was still in my stretch pants phase. Seriously, I don't think I wore jeans until I was in 6th grade.What I especially love are the haircuts we are proudly wearing, my mom's sweet puffy paint sweatshirt, and the scary wide eyes we are all displaying.

Oh dear, I hope this picture makes you laugh, too.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Challenge: Days 4 and 5

Sorry, I was gone pretty much all day yesterday. So, I will do Day 4 now:

A Photo of the Last Place You Went on Holiday
(or vacation, as we say in America)
Here we have Gerrit, me, and Evie at Buffalo Phil's in Wisconsin Dells. We met Evie and her husband, Tim, last year through our church's House Group. At the end of this past summer, they invited us to go to Noah's Ark water-park with them. You may remember that Gerrit and I went to Wisconsin Dells and Noah's Ark for our one-year wedding anniversary. We love it there! We couldn't pass it up. After our fun-filled day at the water-park, we went out to eat at Buffalo Phil's with some of Tim and Evie's friends who met us there. If you get to wear a cardboard hat while you eat, you know you're in for a good time. We had a great couple days with Tim, Evie and their son Raef. We're happy they're in our lives.

And now for Day 5:
A Photo of You
This request is so vague! But in honor of the Winter Wonderland we woke up to this morning, here is a picture of me in the snow. Along with some of my favorite girlfriends, I was in the northern part of the state visiting my bosom buddy Mandy. Mandy lives in a far away state now with her husband, Adam. :( So, we had to take advantage of her time in the home land. And what a wonderful time it was!

Me, Mandy, Rachel and Jess
The snow there was so pretty and untouched. Something had to be done! We trekked outside to take pictures and ruin the landscape with our footprints. Jess was our photographer (except for a few shots of all of us that Mandy's mom, Kay, took. We love Kay!) In the photo of me above, Jess called out, "Hey, Cassie! Turn around!" I knew exactly what she was up to, so I put on my cheesiest senior picture smile. Ironically, the picture turned out with me looking all nonchalant when actually I was trying to be funny and posed. Jess is just that good!

I miss Mandy something fierce. Naturally, I really like these pictures because they bring back memories of the wonderful few days we got to spend with her.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Challenge: Day 3

A Photo That Makes You Happy
Well, I deliberated (with myself) over this one for awhile. There are several pictures that make me feel happy. Being the sentimental gal that I am, most of my albums are full of pictures that make me happy for one reason or another. Lots of pictures of Gerrit and I came to mind. But I think he might pop up a lot in this challenge. So, I want to give you some variety now.

I love this picture. It was taken during my freshman year in college, obviously after playing in the rain and mud. My friend, Brittany (who is just above me here), decided the weather needed to be taken advantage of. After some fun of our own, we discovered Kristin and Jamie had the same idea we did. Kristin (bottom right), however, decided to make our little trip in the rain a mud fight. She smeared the mud all over my face! She was an RA and was also the older sister of my roommate, so I had to be okay with it. :)

I just think this picture encompasses everything I loved about that year. Everything was new and exciting. Playing in the rain was a totally acceptable thing to do. Why not put off homework for a few hours.....or days???? (Sorry, Dad.) I don't remember what else was going on that day. I don't remember my assignments. I don't remember what day of the week it was or what I did after I was dry. But I remember the feeling I had when this picture was taken. And I remember having so much fun with my dear friend, Brittany. If I could time travel, I would love to do this day again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Challenge: Day 2

A Photo of Yourself a Year Ago
I believe this picture was taken in November of last year. I know we were out with Adam and Maria (since that is the lovely Maria with me). I think we were out celebrating a birthday. Good times!

Hmmm, what was going on in my life then? Well, I'm just going to be honest. I know that I was starting to feel sad about not being pregnant yet. Pregnancy seems to come oh-so-easily with my immediate and extended female relatives (whether they are trying or ehem not). I assumed it would come easily for us as well. Around that time, 5 women at work (YES! 5!) announced their pregnancies. It seemed that every time I logged onto facebook, someone else was sharing their pregnancy news. While I was happy for those ladies, I felt sad for Gerrit and I. As I'm sure you know, it's hard to wait for something when you want it so badly. God sometimes lets us learn the hard way that He is in control. But I know it's a reminder I needed/need daily. Since I have the ability to cry easily these days, it makes me a little teary thinking about it. I feel a little tug of sadness in my heart for the Cassie in this picture and joy now at where God has brought us. At the same time, I know that our road to get to this point has been easier than for many others. I am counting our blessings and want to be sensitive to those still struggling.

In other news a year ago, I was just a couple months away from figuring out that I have a thyroid issue. I finally had an explanation as to why I was having chest pains and was gaining weight. Every girl likes to hear that her weight gain is probably not her fault! Seriously, I wanted to broadcast: It's a thyroid problem; I'm usually a skinny person!!! I was also experiencing tremendous relief that I wasn't having a heart attack!

These are things I didn't share on the blog because I thought they were too personal for the time, but it's nice to be able to share them now. As Paul Harvey would say, "That's the rest of the story. Good day."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Photo Challenge

Oh my goodness, here I am again. And so quickly since the last time! I thought I would hop on now before I lost track of time/got too tired to blog. I was just on my friend Jenny's blog and she is doing a 30-day photo challenge. She asked if others would like to join her. I thought this would be a good way to get me in the habit of blogging more often...or it will be an epic failure on my part! Stay tuned!
Day 1: Your Facebook Profile Picture
Eh, I'm not in love with this picture. I just so rarely think to change it. This was taken before I headed out to a wedding. I had used my newly purchased straightener for the first time and was happy with the flatness of my hair (since it has a tendency to poof). Now you know.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Clever Title Encompassing Many Topics

Welp, here I am again. I'm a bit sleepy right now, so I think the witty banter might be at a minimum tonight. I know I usually have you in stitches. My apologies.

Last weekend was, of course, Halloween. My sister, Carey, and her husband Greg hosted their annual Halloween party. I stole this picture of us from her blog! Thanks, Carey!

Gerrit was a creepy dude that he called "Death." I did not approve because I don't like ANYTHING scary. He was/is sooooooooooo proud of this mask. Apparently it has been a dream of his to be something scary for a Halloween. The mask is now hanging and staring at me in the very room in which I am typing. I'm not thrilled about this. I was a butterfly. I have not always wanted to be a butterfly, but I really like the purple, feathered, sequined mask....cause, who wouldn't?

In other news, I came home from work a couple days ago to find these waiting for me:
It made me sing, "What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...." The note reads:
For My Precious & Loving Wife,
Whom I Love So Dearly
And For Our Beloved Growing Child,
Whom We Are So Anxiously Waiting to Meet.
Love Always,

I could just blush. He's the sweetest. I really don't brag enough about him, but he's pretty awesome. I'd like to keep him.

And in Pregnancy News, this is a picture of me at about 12 weeks on the day we heard the heartbeat for the first time! Now, it may appear to you that I am "showing," but before you make comments about my growing belly, I think this is just the stuff I can't suck in anymore. Proceed with caution! :)

Like I said, that day we got to hear the heartbeat. I was a little worried that maybe I'd just been experiencing a pregnancy-like tumor this whole time. The Midwife got out the doppler tool to hear the heartbeat. It actually took longer to find than I thought it would. She could hear it because she knew what she was listening for. But since Gerrit and I weren't hearing anything, she went to get a more sensitive doppler. And lo and behold, a quick little thumpthumpthumpthump could be heard! The Bean is really in there! It was a pretty surreal experience that I can't quite pin an emotion on. Something like excitement/relief/oh-my-gosh-there's-a-human-in-there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I am 14 weeks along. I am officially in my 2nd Trimester (crazy). I am feeling better for the most part. It's really strange how symptoms can be so prominent one day/week and then nearly disappear the next. The symptoms, though very uncomfortable, were at least some kind of confirmation that I am pregnant. So, now that many of them are fading, I'll be anxious to go to our next appointment to make sure it's not a tumor again! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm Hungry All the Time!

Look out, World! I might eat you. It doesn't matter what I eat or what I do, I'm just hungry. At all hours. At any place. But NOTHING seems good enough to eat. Some foods seem tolerable...others seem disgusting. Nothing seems delicious. How very sad.....I hope I will one day (soon) enjoy food again.

On the other hand, even though I'm not eating more yet, I can feel that my body is starting the growing process. Confession: I'm a sucker-inner. Meaning, in my everyday life, I suck my stomach in most of the day. These days, it's getting much harder to do that. I've kind of given up on it. I suppose it's time to let go....exhale...give in to the gut. Yes, it looks like a gut...not a pregnant belly. But I don't think I'm doing myself or The Bean any good by sucking in my stomach anymore. Embrace the gut. Embrace the gut.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I can finally share the news! Today is 10/10/10 and I am precisely 10 weeks pregnant! Gerrit and I are very excited, nervous, and everything in-between. Now, I will answer some commonly asked questions....

Q. When did we find out?/When am I due?
A. We found out on Labor Day (funny). I am due on Mothers' Day (precious), May 8. Okay, so my initial reaction was not at all what I thought it would be. I always imagined I would find out, scream and cry, and run into my husband's arms as we jumped up and down in glee. That's not exactly how it went. I took the test and suddenly 2 lines started appearing in the screen. I called Gerrit into the bathroom saying, "I think you need to come in here." I pointed to the screen and said, "What is that?" Gerrit replied, "I think that's a positive, babe." I said, "What do we do with this?" over and over again. Then we took these pictures. Now, don't be confused. We MEANT to do this! I just couldn't believe it actually happened. We've tried for quite some time (a year and 2 months, if you must know). It was quite the emotional rollercoaster. And wouldn't you still is! :) I know God had a reason for making us wait; and I think all the waiting has really made us all the more appreciative that it's finally happening....even if we are scared out of our minds!

How am I feeling? Have I been sick? Am I having other symptoms?
A. Yes, I have been sick. You know when you have a cold and you just feel "off" all day long? That's kind of how I feel. The pukey feeling likes to sneak up on me at all times of the day. I've never had such a strong gag reflex. In fact, just talking about it, makes me feel sick. My body is not my own. Even though there are no outward signs of me being pregnant, I feel like I'm living in someone else's body (when actually someone else is living in mine! ha!). I can't wait until the 2nd trimester. I have hope that I will begin to feel human again. Right now, I have to eat every hour and a half to two hours to keep from being sick. Let me tell you, I never thought I would get sick of eating, but I'm there! I feel like a cow who is constantly grazing. I've also had trouble thinking of words I want to say. The other night at House Group, I said, "Good morning!" as I came into the door without even realizing it. Whoops. I won't go into graphic detail about the other symptoms I am experiencing, but anything you've heard about pregnancy symptoms, I'm probably having. Gerrit has been taking wonderful care of me. He's a very patient man.

Are we going to find out the sex of the baby? Do we have a preference?
A. Yes, we will find out! We are terrible at secrets and surprises! I can honestly say that I don't have a preference. Gerrit says he doesn't either (but I think he wants a boy). Most of all, we want a healthy child. I keep thinking of the baby as a boy, but that probably means it's a girl. We'll keep you posted!

Do we have names picked out?
A. Yes, we've had names in mind for a long time. But I think we're gonna try our hardest to keep those a secret. Right now, we call the baby "Bean" since we don't know what the gender is. We love the Bean.

So, all in all, we're feeling all kinds of emotions! God is good and we're so thankful that He's allowing us to experience this. (Although, when I have my head in the toilet, that's not always my first thought. Forgive me!) We can't wait to keep you posted as the days, weeks and months go on!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Duluth with Adam and Maria!

Each summer since the G-man and I have been married, we've tried to take a trip with Adam and Maria. They're pretty great and we like them. This year we decided on Duluth. What fun!

Our first stop was to the Canal area and lighthouse. When you're there, you can watch the cargo boats go by and take pictures. Good times were had by all.

Here we are heading to the lighthouse. Adam isn't having a seizure. He's just really excited to be on vacation.

I think my favorite thing we did was tour the Glensheen mansion. It was built in the early 1900s by a wealthy guy. I'm a bit nerdy and I really enjoy guided tours, especially of mansions.

Gerrit and I outside the mansion in the rain.

A little quality Maria time. I think we were waiting for the boys to stop skipping rocks.

The men being men.
The women being women.

We took another guided tour of the William A. Irvin cargo boat (ship?). I wasn't totally fascinated by this; however, we had a hilarious guide. Our tour guide, Tom, used to work on a similar vessel. He had a very dry humor which we thoroughly enjoyed.

We couldn't visit Duluth without making a trip to Gooseberry Falls. It's beautiful anytime of year. Ignore my shiny, sweaty face.
Naturally, the boys found a cave. It never fails.
Adam enjoying the great outdoors.
Gerrit was a real stinker at the Falls. He insisted on taking detours from the path and going on "adventures." I kept reminding him to be careful. It was obvious that my "mothering" was irritating him (especially after he told me it was). But I just kept saying, "I won't apologize for loving you!"

To prove that I hadn't totally lost my sense of fun, I ventured out onto some rocks to get closer to the falls. I got stuck and panicked (which was pretty unnecessary, since the water was about 6 inches deep and very calm). I kept thinking about how miserable it would be to be wet for the rest of our time there. All I could say was, "I made a mistake! I made a mistake!" Gerrit came out to rescue me. And we made it and dry.
Oh, except that after this picture was taken, Gerrit slipped and fell on the rock. And that's why I remind him to be careful!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Catching Up to Do...

Hello Hello! I'm just going to stretch my memory to tell you about my early summer experiences. I know you're all dying to hear!

Near the start of summer, I had the pleasure of seeing my freshman/sophomore college roommate dance in a recital. Tara was a shining star! No, seriously, the costumes were super shiny! The Book Club girls (Katie, Molly, and I) got to see her after the show (and after she changed out of her costume. So fun!
Me, Tara, Katie, Molly
A bit later this summer, I got to give Gerrit a buzz cut. This was my first time doing that and I was really nervous. It turned out just fine! But before the finished product, I couldn't resist giving him a little 1990's "New Kids On The Block" 'do. This hair made me want to sing, "Oh oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. THE RIGHT STUFF!"
Another first for Gerrit was going to Paul Bunyan's Restaurant with my family. We went in the Dells with friends, but this was a first with my family. What a treat!

Aubrey and Sophie waiting for their food.

Here's Jozie celebrating Carey's birthday. Gerrit thinks she's turning into my mini-me. I'll let you decide.

Jozie and Me: Both Age 4

In July, Gerrit had the honor of being Best Man in his friend/college roommate/former bandmate/video-game challenger/brother he never had......Dave's wedding. The weekend wedding extravaganza was in Illinios. Good times were had by all!

Since Gerrit drove down with the boys, I drove down with the men folks other halves. Emily was the wedding photographer/wife of a groomsman. Katie was the hair lady/girlfriend of a groomsman. Naturally, I was a little nervous about driving to Illinois with girls I didn't know. But I was over that in about 2.3 seconds. We bonded. I think Emily and I are pretty much the same person. It was a little creepy.

Really, the cherry on top of a great start to summer, was that I got to see a monkey ride a dog. Yes, you read that correctly. A monkey rode atop a dog! If you don't believe me, see for yourself. My life is forever changed.

That's all for now! More to come!