Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quotable Quotes From the Kids....

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the little darlings I work with each day:

2nd Grade Boy: Can I get another milk?
Me: No, I'm sorry. Lunch is almost over.
Boy: How about for 1 million dollars?
Me: Nope, not for all the money in the world.
Boy: Not even for 9 million-trillion google-f***s?

1st Grade Girl: Do you believe in God?
Me: Yes, I do!
Girl: Well, he doesn't (pointing to boy sitting right next to her).
Me: Well, some people believe in different things.
Girl's friend: Like the devil?!!!!

On hot dog day in the cafeteria:
Kindergartener: I just love the smell of wieners.

3rd Grade Girl: I fart and call it magic.

2nd Grade Boy: Can I play on the computer?
Me: Not today. You need to do your math.
Boy: What is wrong with you today???

.......same boy, different day..........
Boy: We learned a new trick in karate.
Me: Really? Wow. What color belt do you have?
Boy: Um, I'm just a master. I'm a dragon warrior.


Gordon Magee said...

This is Dad...funny comments by the kids!! Hilarious!

Carey said...

I just love the smell of weiners????!!!!! I'm crying here!

Shannon said...

Just re-read my yesterday post.....yeepers, no more posting thoughts while hormonal! Pictures and captions only! :D