Wednesday, February 27, 2008

There's a mouse in our house!

I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
This mouse has been in our apartment on and off for months now. (Well, not THIS mouse. This is a "Google" mouse.) Just when we think maybe he's gone, he pokes his little head out or scurries across the floor. We've tried various techniques and traps to catch him. When I say "we've tried" I mean, Gerrit has tried. He's been the brave one. I can't bring myself to go near the spots I've seen it. This mouse is out to get me! The Orkin man has come to "patch up holes." Clearly he is patching the wrong holes because this very smart mouse knows how to get around.
We had only seen him in the living room, so I was foolishly feeling comfortable in the kitchen. This past Saturday, I was pouring myself some cereal when the mouse ran right past my feet!!! I screamed and cereal flew everywhere. I'm sure it would have been funny to see. But it's just gross! And we live on the second floor! Why isn't he bothering someone on the first floor? Any suggestions? I'm at my wits end with this rodent.


skyblue50 said...

Sad to say if you have one mouse, you more than likely have two. I'd get some good traps, the Victor brand are usually good ones, then bait it with butter or peanut butter, something they can't run off with anyway. I think those box type ones are good too, less mess anyway. MMMM, it must be you. LOL

Erika said...

Ahhhh! I hate mice too! We had them in our new house a few months ago! We put Velveeta Cheese on the traps and killed 7 in one weekend. Seriously, sick! But, we haven't seen them since! Good luck!