Monday, July 30, 2012

Addie's "Me-Time"

Recently, my sister Carey and her husband Greg handed down a children's set of table and chairs to Adeline. Their kids have outgrown it and Addie is just loving it. Thank you to them! She points and gestures at me and the table until I help her onto a chair. 

Sometimes she has a spot of tea while she sits.

Then she reads for quite a while. She points to the pictures like we do when we read with her. Then she starts "talking" in a reading voice as she turns the pages. 

Uh-oh. She's on to me!

 Gotta go!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I think not. There wasn't a tired bone in this child's body after Gerrit laid her in the crib. 

Hearing her yells turn from happy to mad, I went into the room. She was doing acrobatics and had thrown out her pacifiers and bunny (for space, I presume). We let her out of her "cage" for a few minutes to get the wiggles out. 
She's sleeping peacefully now. Hallelujah. Sometimes, bedtimes are meant to be broken. Roll with it. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Essentials


Extra Mom and Dad time. 

 Corn on the Cob

Ice Cream!

Red, White, and Blue 

 Getting "So Big!"