Thursday, March 29, 2012

Praying for Adeline

I'm not always the most motivated person, but I got a little idea spark from Pinterest. Imagine that! On this site, I found "31 Ways to Pray for Your Children" by Bob Hostetler. I needed specific help with prayer. Of course, I want to pray for Adeline. But I find myself being very repetitive and feeling like I'm missing some big issues I should talk about with God on her behalf. With the "31 Days" idea, I have a full month's worth of topics!

But I needed a visual reminder. So, I set out to get myself some colorful index cards and sharpies.

On one side, I wrote the day of the month along with the attribute for the day. On the other side, I wrote the prayer and the Bible verse it is inspired by.

Then I punched a hole in each card and put it on a ring for easy flipping.

I'm sure there are fancier ways to put this together, but I'm pleased with the simplicity. By nature, I am NOT an awesome prayer-warrior-mom. But I WANT to be. And now you all get to hold me accountable. :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Just Add Water

Oh yes, we are ready for summer. And there's no better way to prepare than to purchase a sporty two-piece....for your infant. For you see, it is only at this age that it is appropriate to allow your ample belly to hang over bikini bottoms.
I never thought I'd be the mom to get her baby a bikini, but how could I pass-up these ruffles?
Her body is bikini ready, folks! If ya got it, flaunt it (but only for this summer. It's not cute later in life, but merely sad). Rock those rolls, Adeline!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yes, the sickness has come and stayed like an unwanted house guest. We've each had our share of this and that for weeks now.

Addie had a fever for 3 days a couple weeks ago. She would only sleep on me or near me. We had to make a little nest on the living room floor. We shared many a nap and nighttime rest on those blankets. It was a long three days.
Currently, Gerrit, Addie, and I each have an illness.

-runny nose
-crabby, crabby, crabby

-scratchy throat
-stuffy nose
-took Nyquil last night and became good-for-nothing when Addie was up FOUR times

-sinus infection
-on antibiotics that make me feel real pukey

Please heal us, O LORD!
And no one breath our air!