Monday, December 12, 2011


Yesterday, we had the joy of watching Delia get baptized. Delia was a little trooper throughout the whole service. But Adeline decided to scream in delight at the sight of her best friend up front, so we watched from the back. Afterwards, we let the babes be babes. They are thick as thieves. Seriously, they like to steal each others toys....and smack each other in the face. Enjoy the cuteness!

The End.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

Instead of trying to catch up on the last few weeks of our lives, I thought I'd just say it in (mostly) pictures. :)

We went to Texas, ya'll! The Plantage crew surprised Darcy for her birthday.
Addie was an awesome traveler.

I got frisked by a female security guard in front of a restaurant full of soon-to-be airplane passengers. That was a highlight.

Solids have been a good time. She's not really a fan yet.

We went to Albert Lea for Thanksgiving and also celebrated Christmas with Gerrit's family. Yay!

Just a little sass from today. Love you all!