Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kid Quote

Kindergarten Boy: Miss Cassie, is it uncomfortable to have a baby in your tummy?

Me: You know, sometimes it is. But not all the time.

Boy: Yeah, I bet it's hard work. Mamas gotta be tough.

Me: You think so?

Boy: Yeah, I gotta be a strong lady to grow a baby. You gotta be tough. You're a tough lady.

*Now here's a guy who understands. :) He must have a smart, tough mama at home.*

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Challenge: Days 16 and 17

I find myself here at the computer because Gerrit and our friend, Pat, are playing video games....AGAIN. I was contently reading in bed, but I started falling asleep at the too-early time of 8 p.m. In an effort to keep myself awake, I think I'll give you not one, but two days of the photo challenge in one entry! Lucky you. You're welcome.

A Photo of the Last Party You Went To:
The theme of our friend, Adam's, (27th) birthday party was Batman. It was decorated accordingly. We all got Batman tattoos, goody bags, and memories to last a lifetime. :) Everyone loves a theme party! I know you're jealous.

Okay, so Day 17's challenge is a drunken photo of yourself. Good luck finding that picture. It doesn't exist as I have never been even a little bit drunk. Instead, I give you:

An Embarrassing Photo
Actually, I'm not embarrassed by this photo....cause it's awesome. My side of the family celebrated Christmas over Thanksgiving, since it was an In-Law year during actual Christmas. We decided to celebrate with ugly sweaters; not a new concept, but a fun one I think every family should enjoy. Besides the overwhelming cool factor here, this picture is great because we are all in it (with the extra-special bonus of Grandma)! That so rarely happens.

And, just because I love you all so much, I'm adding a third picture for the price of two. It's my 23 weeks pregnant photo.I never thought I'd be one of those gals to feel fat during pregnancy (it's natural; you're body is supposed to change; you're growing a life; it's beautiful...yadda yadda yadda). I'm just gonna be honest- I feel fat. That's just the way it is. And I will continue to get bigger. It needs to happen. But you can't talk me out of my feelings. So there. Who are these women who say being pregnant is the most beautiful they've ever felt? I'd like to meet them....and smack them (but not while they're pregnant. THAT would be wrong).
But all that to say, I love the Bean. She's worth it. I will grin and bare the belly. It's a blessing that I cried and prayed for. And it's not totally unrealistic to think that I'll be leaving in skinny jeans from the hospital.....right? :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Challenge: Day 15 and an Ultrasound!

A Photo of You and Someone You Love
Yes! This is our baby's ultrasound picture! And technically speaking (if you aren't afraid to hear the word uterus), I am in this picture too. So it counts towards today's challenge. Oh, and for those of you who don't know yet.....

The Bean is a Girl!

I was actually quite surprised by this news. I really thought we were having a boy. But during our ultrasound, the tech zoomed in on the "evidence" and she asked if we had any guesses about what it was. I said, "Well, I thought it was a boy.....but that doesn't look like a boy." She then congratulated us on our little girl.
Here she is with her hands up by her face. She was posing.
The first thing she did when the tech zoomed-in on her face was smile. :) She also yawned. I wouldn't have known that, but the ultrasound tech was happy to fill us in. The tech had quite the job following this little Beanadette around. She was moving like crazy.
Obviously with the help of the label and the little toes there, you can see that the above picture is of her foot. Those feet may look small to you, but let me tell ya, she knows how to use them! She's already kicking with distinction. I can only imagine what the next 4-5 months will be like.
And this is her monster claw of a hand. I think it's crazy that you can see so much! You can't see it in this picture, but she's got all 10 fingers and toes. So far she just uses them to punch and kick me. Not much else to do in there, I guess.

I wasn't emotional about the ultrasound like I thought I might be, but I was definitely in awe of what I was seeing. Seeing her on the screen made her seem much more real and human (because she is!). She doesn't seem like such a little alien anymore. It was also very cute to see Gerrit grinning throughout the appointment. He calls the experience "the coolest thing ever." He's already banning her from dating until she's at least 25.

Overall, she appears to be a healthy baby. She's on the small side, but not enough to be concerned about. As long as she is healthy, I wouldn't mind having a small baby! :) Hurray for the Bean!