Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Fun

We had lots of Adam and Maria time this weekend! Gerrit has known them since Jr. High/High School and we try to get together often.

I've decided that we're bad people. Here's why: I had complimentary tickets to see the high school musical in the district I work in. We left (quietly) at intermission. Ouch. But we just couldn't bring ourselves to stay! So, we've decided to make the most of this. We're going to go on a state-wide tour of high school musicals. I will blog/review them. That blog will in turn become a best-selling book, which will in turn become a motion picture. We'll all be famous. I can feel myself changing already.

We had better luck the next day at the ZOO! It was a bit chilly, but we got to see everything we wanted to--
from God's little creatures (the sea horses).... His bigger creatures (the Russian Grizzly)...

...from God's beautifully strange (whatever this bird is)... His strangely beautiful (our friends).
After this, we went to a lovely restaurant. We played board games with Adam and Maria. They left and I got sick. Bummer. Thankfully, I had all of Sunday to recover.

How was your weekend?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dumb Things Happen to Me

It's true. I'm a magnet for ridiculous situations. Here's one that happened Sunday morning:

(pre-story: I had just seen a scary zombie movie the night before. If you know ANYTHING about me, you will know this was foolish as I can not handle scary movies.)

I wake up at 4:15am as Gerrit hugs me goodbye to go into work. Since I had just watched a scary movie, I knew I would not be able to fall back to sleep without the thought of zombies. What cures zombie thoughts? "You've Got Mail." I pop the movie in and expect to be having sweet dreams in about 10 minutes.

However, 5 minutes later, I hear vvvvmmmmm as the power in the building goes out. So right about now, I start to pray. I text Gerrit to tell him what's happening. More praying as the zombie thoughts creep in. I'm just beginning to fall asleep about 45 minutes later when Gerrit texts me back. "Power still out?" YES! and now I'm wide awake.

More praying....falling asleep.....building FIRE ALARM COMES ON. This had happened before and the alarm stayed on for an HOUR. I thought, "I gotta get outta here. This is ridiculous." So, I stumble to the bathroom, feel around for my contacts, and by the light of my cell phone attempt to put my contacts in. TEN minutes later, I have them in and I'm out the door as the fire truck pulls up. "Ma'am," the fireman asks me, "is the alarm going off?" I know this kind man was just doing his job...but at 5:30 in the morning, I was thinking, "Duh!" Out loud, I answered politely.

At this hour, I figure I can find a Caribou that's open. Think again, Cassie. Okay, how about a Cub Foods? 24 hour savings, they're always open! I thought, "I'll get a donut for Gerrit and bring it to him at work." There are no donuts! What kind of day is this???? I settled on cinnamon rolls, got the Caribou since it opened by then, and brought Gerrit breakfast. I was very tired for the rest of Sunday.

And Today (for those of you who are still with me):

I'm driving to work and I have to go through some construction. I can see that my side of the street is closing ahead. Then I see the construction worker guide a car into what are usually the two lefts lanes of traffic going the opposite direction. I had to stop at the red light. Just to make sure I'm understanding the man correctly, I point where he's pointing and make a "Are you sure that's where you want me to go?" face. He nods confidently and points there again. Green light. I hesitantly make my way down the usually one-way street when I see ON-COMING TRAFFIC in my lane!!!!!!!! Both lanes are full and the car can't get over right away. I had a "JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL" moment before I start yelling, "UM! UM!" and honking rapidly. That car finally got over and I was able to sneak through a break in the median. The rest of the drive I was saying, "What just happened there????"

Dumb things happen to me.

TRICK...or Treat!

Once again, Gerrit and I got to be a part of Carey and Greg's annual Halloween party. Every year they have a "Connect 4" tournament and a costume contest. Well, I'm no good at "Connect 4," so I have to try to win the costume contest. I think I've come in second place a couple times (as Hermione Granger and Angelina Jolie). But this year, I was in it to win it! Gerrit found some big red glasses in a store at the mall....and I knew what I had to do. I went sister, JUNIOR HIGH!!!!!! *high-pitched-horror-movie-scream* You can see the original school picture on her blog.
Gerrit was cleverly disguised as Waldo of "Where's Waldo." But after this picture was taken, I couldn't find him all night. ;)I was a little worried about how Carey might react to my costume, but she screamed and laughed when she saw me. She was a good sport (and was also pretty weirded out by how much I looked like her). And I finally won the contest! I beat Chuck Norris! Who else can say that?

And here are the host and hostess. Greg was a rapper (this is pretty much everyday wear for him though:P) and Carey was dirt! That's her hair dyed green to be grass. I thought that was pretty clever. Thanks for another fun Halloween party!